📱Android Auto and Waze on R-Link 1.

January 5th, 2024

Renault give the possibility to have Android Auto (and also Waze) on R-Link 1 Evolution. Instead of R-Link 2, it’s not possible to have Apple Carplay (iPhone).

How to know if my Renault R-Link 1 Evolution is compatible with Android Auto?

Go to Settings, you should have an option Smartphone Mirroring.

Android Auto was integrated in the renault factories from week 15 in 2017 for the Clio IV phase 2. The functionality is present on all Captur phase 2.

How use Android Auto on R-Link 1 Evolution?


Waze on R-Link 1 Evolution

To use Waze on Renault R-Link 1 Evolution, you need to use Android Auto (sorry for iPhone users’). Install the Waze application on your phone. After lauching Android Auto on the R-Link, click on the navigation button you will have the choice between Google Maps and Android Auto. Enjoy!


2 Responses to “📱Android Auto and Waze on R-Link 1.

  • mohamad
    7 years ago

    how i can use rlink2 apple carplay
    for koleos

  • Could you help me? I have clio IV 2018 with system 9.1.3. and I read that the 2017-2018 clios support Carplay, Android Auto, R&Go, but I don’t have Smartphone Mirroring option. How can I make these apps work?

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