Carminat TomTom

November 18th, 2020

The Carminat TomTom is the first carminat to be developed from a base known to all: the nomads of the TomTom brand. This is the first time that the launch of a new Carminat has been so publicized. Thus the news has been relayed by the vast majority of internet media but also paper. The notoriety of TomTom is not foreign to it.

The strength of this system is obviously its price: less than 500 €. Never seen on a fixed navigation system. Renault has been innovative about navigation, with this system the brand will make noise and happy. It’s the return of a color navigation on the Clio (missing since the CNI 1 on Clio II) and which is more standard on high finishes, bravo! This system is standard on all ScΓ©nic III (not on long versions).

A version TomTom Live appeared in 2011, this version brought a built-in SIM card to enjoy the excellent HD Live Traffic TomTom. Unfortunately since 2017, if no subscription has been taken in the last 3 years, the SIM card is permanently deactivated. We then only benefit from TMC traffic information which is not very reliable.

You Carminat TomTom screen is frozen? See this page.

How update Carminat TomTom