📱R-Link 2: Android Auto, Waze, Carplay

January 4th, 2024

It is possible to have Android Auto (and so Waze) and also Apple Carply from your iPhone on Renault R-Link 2.

How to know if my R-Link 2 is compatible with Android Auto and Apple Carplay?

Go to System and on the second page there must be the “Smartphone Replication” icon.

Renault gave me the information, here are the dates when the functions were introduced on the production lines.

  • Scénic, Kadjar, Mégane: Week 16 (but ordered after 6 March)
  • Espace, Talisman: Week 15
  • Mégane Sedan: Week 17
  • New Koleos Android Auto & Apple CarPlay available from the beginning of sales.

How use Android Auto?

How use Carplay on R-Link 2?

Waze on R-Link 2

To use Waze on R-Link 2, you need to use Android Auto for Android phone or have iOS12 for Apple users. Install the Waze application on your phone. After lauching Android Auto on the R-Link 2, click on the navigation button you will have the choice between Google Maps and Waze. Enjoy! For Apple, the Waze application has to be install on the phone, then the application will appear on Carplay screen.

Increase the size of Android Auto

On R-Link 2 in portrait mode 8.9 inches (large size) when launching Android Auto (and Carplay), only a small part of the display is used:There is a trick to increase the size of Android Auto as below:


  • Open Android Auto on the phone
  • Go to “About” in the left side menu
  • Click 10 times on “About Android Auto” in the title bar to enable developer mode.
  • Go to the top right menu to select “Developer Settings”
  • Go down the list to check the option “Allow 720p video output”.

Now Android Auto occupies a much larger part of the R-Link 2 screen! (performances may depend of phones).

The different steps in pictures:

EDIT May 30, 2018: the latest version of April 27, 2018 fixes the bug. No need to do the manip below.

Google rolled out a new version of Android Auto application on March 26 2018 that de-selects the option after each use. Not very practical.

If you want to find the previous behavior here is the manipulation to do:

I therefore recommend that you uninstall the current version of Android Auto from your phone and manually install the apk file available at this address (take arm version for 95% of phones).

I advise you to download the file from your phone. Check that the “Unknown sources” option is authorized in the phone settings security menu. Once done, click on the notification as the download has been done to start the installation of the file. If you have an error message that the application is not compatible with your phone, try another version such as arm64.

31 Responses to “📱R-Link 2: Android Auto, Waze, Carplay

  • ??

  • Jan Ellesgaard
    7 years ago

    On My Renault Scenic with RLink 2 version Apple CarPlay stopped working since i updated my iPhone to versions newer that iOS 11.2.

    When connecting the iPhone with the USB cable the Apple Car Play button never appears.
    The RLink2 things that it is an iPod and can only use it for music.

    • Hello, Carplay worked well before ? In which version your iPhone was before ? And now?

  • I updated today to on my Megane Sport Tourer. At first appeared the mirroring icon but dimmed. Now its gone…. No icon ay all.

    Any advice?

    • The doesn’t bring Android auto or apple carplay… It is only available with the

  • Hello, I need Android auto to use phone’s navigator (like waze )

    Can I upgrade my r-link from to

    thank you

  • in my system I haven’t “Smartphone Replication” icon ??

    • Normal, as it is said in all website version 2.2.x.x isn’t compatible with Android auto / carplay (and we can’t add it…)

  • Hello,
    Please guide me how I can add “Smartphone Replication” icon to Talisman system. Thanks

  • Hi
    I have new koleos 2017 and install android auto on r link.but i can not increase size of it

    • Im having the same issue. Did you end up working it out. Thank you

  • my carplay disappeared on the new update any advise

  • Hi! If I´m on is it possible or ever recommended to upgrade to a later version such as This must be done by Renault or? Does it make my R-Link 2 Apple Carplay compatible?

    / D

    • I join the issue

    • Can someone confirm that upgrade from 3.3.15.*** to 3.3.16.*** will enable Android auto or it is the hardware issue?

      • Hello, the 3.3.16.xxx (and more) contains Android auto, but it won’t be activated , you will have to do it yourself after, the dealer can’t do it.

      • Im on 3.3.15 as well . I tried to use DDT4all to activate AA but still no android connect. After careful searching I’ve use different cable to connect and it works! ( I say use a USB 2.0 or 3 cable ). The problem now is once in a while its getting disconnected.

    • I have the same version as you . Did anyone find something relevant on how to do this (uppgrading from 3.3.15 to 3.3.16 or higher?) .I have a video about how to enter developer mode to activate android auto but I did not had time to try it yet.

      Here is the link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olpNGkrxdcQ

  • Pepicak
    6 years ago

    Hi, I try to connect apk LG MirrorDrive but it does not work. Android auto is working very well. Do you have any suggestion where is the problem? My version of RLink 2 is 7.x.x.x.

  • Hello. I have Koleos manufactured in January 2018.
    When connecting Xiaomi phone its not getting identified with launched Android Auto. System reacts like nothing is happening.
    Why? Any Advice

    • Sapoide
      6 years ago

      make sure you have android auto installed in the phone.

  • renault Grand Coupe
    6 years ago

    Can u install/download from R-LINK STORE WAZE and put it on the vehicile ? or you must connect Phone Via USB cable to use The app on the vehicile at all times?

  • Hello

    I have a Renault Talisman (production 2016.12). Originally there was firmware which has now been upgraded to 7.x version (by a dealer, officially). Everything works fine but I still havent got the Mirror Link (for Android Auto / Carplay) in the Menu.
    What do I need to do more to have it avalable? Thanks for you help in advance!

  • Hello, my new Renault Koleos, does not have the Smartphone mirror option. What I can do?

  • Hello
    My koleos (production 2018) after activation androied auto its work , but apple car play dosen’t work .what can i do. thanks for you help in advance.

  • I have the same version as you . Did anyone find something relevant on how to do this (uppgrading from 3.3.15 to 3.3.16 or higher?) .I have a video about how to enter developer mode to activate android auto but I did not had time to try it yet.

    Here is the link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olpNGkrxdcQ

  • Any way to increase the CarPlay size on 8.7” screen very frustrating?

  • müjdat
    2 years ago

    merhaba r link2 de1ay önce aktif olarak kullandığım carplay nedense artık çalışmıyor araca kablo ile bağladığımda aygıt bağlanıyor yazıyor lakin açmıyor apledende destek aldım ama o tarafta sorun görünmüyor yazılım sürümüm ön yükleyici sürümü 5615

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