R-Link 2: map 2018.06 available

June 6th, 2019
GPS R-Link

A new map is available on the R-Link store.

Version 2018.06 is available for download. As usual, if you have a valid map subscription, the update will be automatically proposed in the R-Link 2 Tollbox software on your computer.

If your subscription is no longer valid, you can purchase it through the R-Link store for 84โ‚ฌ (Europe) for one year (so normally 2 updates).

15 Responses to “R-Link 2: map 2018.06 available

  • Just update it, it works fine on Branch 8 Rlink2.

    • wow Branch 8 of R-LINK2? On what type of car are you having that?

      • Sorry, my mistake… it is actually branch 9 ( It is brand new Megane, made in 8th of May. I guess it’s a new version.

  • No update in the R-Link store, 2.219.300, Netherlands

  • Copying files..

  • Aggiornamento eseguito con successo!

  • My toolbox software has trouble finishing the download to the USB stick. It gets stuck at 100% yellow bar “Copying to usb stick” for a while without turning green “finished”. After a while it goes red and says “Error” and deletes the files.

    Can someone check the file sizes of the map-update?

    My files when the program stops downloading are:

    mappackage_tt_feu_mid-2018_06-1010248-1560882862485.lyc : 4 kb
    mappackage_tt_update_FEU_mid_2018_06-part1.sku : 1.938.719 kb mappackage_tt_update_FEU_mid_2018_06-part2.sku : 1.946.999 kb

    If these sizes are right, I might
    mappackage_tt_update_FEU_mid_2018_06-part3.sku : 1.790.834 kb

    And there are three md5 checksum files as well at 1kb

  • That came out slightly wrong.

    mappackage_tt_feu_mid-2018_06-1010248-1560882862485.lyc : 4 kb
    mappackage_tt_update_FEU_mid_2018_06-part1.sku : 1.938.719 kb mappackage_tt_update_FEU_mid_2018_06-part2.sku : 1.946.999 kb
    mappackage_tt_update_FEU_mid_2018_06-part3.sku : 1.790.834 kb

    If these sizes are right, I might go along and attempt to pull it out before the files are wiped.

    • Henny Vijn
      5 years ago

      Ik heb een vergelijkbaar probleem als user Torin (zie hierboven). Ik start de R-link Toolbox op op mijn computer (Windows 7), de usb-stick wordt herkend en er worden 3 te downloaden updates voorgesteld, waarvan de eerste de kaart van Europa V2018.06. Het downloaden van de kaart begint (gaat trouwens ontzettend langzaam). Na ca anderhalf uur is de kaart voor 97% geladen – en dan krijg ik een foutmelding. Herstarten van de download helpt niet; bij 97% weer de foutmelding. Stick opnieuw formatteren en weer in de auto plaatsen om de usb-stick weer voor te bereiden helpt ook niet; steeds hetzelfde probleem. Als ik het weer probeer en alleen de beide andere downloads aanvink (de kaart dus niet) worden deze zonder enig probleem gedownload. Het probleem zit hem dus in de kaart. Weet iemand raad?

      • H.P. Vijn
        5 years ago

        Ik er niemand die antwoord kan geven? Ook de Admin niet?

  • This is funny how they treat us. This update is out of date for more then 1 year. It’s 2019 and the map is 2018. Shame.

    • Hello, it is a normal delay betwween the snapshot of the data in the TomTom Database (here mid 2018) and the date you publish it (mid 2019). It is the same for all car maker ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Same issue here – Downloads typically get to 100% and then fail.
    I’ve tried multiple times using four different PC’s & eight different USB flash drives.
    ( I work in IT so access to different PC’s is not an issue).

  • Vojtech Weiss
    5 years ago

    I was able to fully download it. MD5 checksums match, so files should be fine. But actual update in the car is a crap. It goes on, finishes just fine, but then, when I start the car another day, it again ask for update, and start it after confirmation. I have noticed that the files weren’t deleted from the flash drive.

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